Wednesdays, April 9-May 28 (8 weeks, 4:00-5:30pm)
Free for Students age 18 and under (a commitment to attend all sessions is required!)
This new class welcomes adult musicians at a beginning level and youth at any level. Both must just be able to play their instrument. Just as in the adult jazz classes taught by Kanoa Kaluhiwa, participants in this mixed ages class will learn 3 to 5 tunes by ear (mostly jazz but not limited to jazz) with a focus on learning the melody, harmony and rhythm, as well as an opportunity to try out short portions of solos. Participants will do some reading of charts written by Kanoa or excerpts of solos, as well as other play-along books. They will discuss each of the main elements that make up a jazz (or other) composition: melody, harmony and rhythm, as well as listen to the original recordings of the tunes.
One of New Mexico’s most sought-after saxophonists, tenor saxophonist Kanoa Kaluhiwa started playing professionally while in High School and received two scholarships to the Eastman School of Music summer Sessions in New York. He also studied for two years at the Berklee School of Music in Boston.
There will be an informal recital on the final day of each class for family and friends!