We are happy to invite you to the 2019 Models of Hope Awards. The award was created to honor GLBTQ individuals seen as roles models to the youth of our community. We will be honoring individuals and organizations making a difference in the community with an Honorees Brunch featuring entertainment and a presentation of awards to the honorees.
Learn more at our website: http://www.myprideonline.com/models-of-hope.html
The History of Models of Hope: This intimate ceremony has been happening since 2006 with the LGBTQ community giving their feedback on who they feel deserves this award. The decision of who is picked is a thought-out process, allowing DIFFERENT individuals, businesses, and organizations to be honored every year, which has developed a fine list of honorees. The award is named after Albuquerque businessman and entrepreneur, Vincent R. Johnson, who made an impact in this community bringing nightlife and events to a whole new level, while providing outreach to organizations like Youth Development Inc. and Big Brothers, Big Sisters.