Dona Ana Arts Council presents

Ben Yennie - Film Business Workshop - August 17 & 18, 2019

at Arts & Cultural Center

Time: 10:00am     Day: Saturday     Doors: 9:45am     Ages: 13+ Ages     Price: $299
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Thanks to changes in Technology, anyone can make a film nearly anywhere.  Film Schools can be great at helping you learn how to do it, and there are film programs in every state across the US.  Unfortunately, even the best of them tend not to be great about teaching you to MAKE MONEY with films. If you don't live in Los Angeles, it's VERY difficult to get the information you need, even if you end up being able to make your film. 

With that in mind, The Dona Ana Arts Council and New Mexico Film Foundation are partnering with Ben Yennie of Guerrilla Rep Media so he can to come out and work with New Mexico Filmmakers INDIVIDUALLY to help people just like YOU learn how to make a sustainable career in independent film.  After attending this workshop, you'll have ALL of the following.

A prioritized list of where to get funding for your film.

The top 3 Sales agents to approach for YOUR PERSONAL PROJECT.

Answers to the questions every investor will ask you.

An incredibly strong and workshopped pitch for your project.

Outlines for EVERY major document you'll need (Look book, Deck, and business plans)

Individualized plans on where and how to approach investors.  

Ben’s time is valuable, and he doesn’t want to fly to New Mexico and just give workshops he’s done before, so in addition to what my time and individual attention you'll get 4 separate 5 hour-intensives as deep dives into the parts of producing that are not often taught in school.  These webinars and their repays  are: Indiefilm Packaging Like a Pro: Film Financing FAST! Mastering Movie Marketing, and Avoiding distribution Disaster.  

These skills are VITAL to your success as an indie filmmaker, and how to create a sustainable career from indiefilm.  Here’s some of what the included webinars will cover.

How to Find & Close Investors

What content Distributors will PAY FOR RIGHT NOW!

How to Find and Engage with your Audience so they'll BUY YOUR MOVIE.

How to get your film ready to get investors on board.  (It's not JUST a business plan & Deck)

How to Attach Recognizable Name Talent to your Project to MASSIVELY increase your revenue

How to tell a GOOD distribution Deal from a BAD one and WHEN TO WALK AWAY.  

The 10 Ways to finance an independent film!

How to get a Letter of intent from a Sales Agent

What you need to get a pre-sale (yes, you still can.)

What every investor needs to know about your project.

How to find Financing YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY BACK so you can MAXIMIZE Ownership in your own film!

How to build a COMMUNITY so you ALWAYS have money for your work!

Plus a whole lot more!

This might be your only chance to get Ben’s individual time and attention, so don't wait.  

What’s Ben Done?

Ben founded, in 2014, an independent film producer's representation company Guerrilla Rep Media.  Ben Yennie has 15 feature film Producer Credits since 2014 he earned by working with filmmakers to Sales Agents and distributors.  So far this year he’s raised 7 figures in financing for various project.

These films have appeared on many platforms, and DVDs are set to be widely available for one in September.  This year, Ben is set to coordinate two theatrical runs for independent feature films. 

Ben has helped secure letters of intent, build business plans, and helped to raise funds for 3 early stage films since 2019, and has raised 7 figures for them so far this year.

Guerrilla Rep Media was officially launched with the book "The Guerrilla Rep: American Film Market Success on No Budget" which has been used as a textbook in ten film schools and is now in its second edition and audiobook.    He also Authored The Entrepreneurial Producer and the first-of-its-kind State of the Film Industry Report. 

Ben is also the co-founder of the Film/Video Project Management Platform ProductionNext and is has worked with several angel investment groups of a new Angel Investment Group Cultural Capital Investments, with the goal to destigmatize Cultural asset classes. 

Ben has been featured in CNN Money, The Seattle Film Summit, Indie Film Hustle, The Movie Making is Hard Podcast, The Get REAL IndieFilmmakers Podcast, The Filmmaking Sucks Podcast, the Indie Film Academy, the Deseret News,  the Film Trooper Podcast, and has been a contributor to IndieWire, Hope For, and Cinesource magazine.