Austin, Texas musician Jeska can sing with the same power and passion that both Janis Joplin and Grace
Slick demonstrated at Woodstock. She proved it directly on the fiftieth anniversary of that festival on a
live radio broadcast in Austin at which she sang astounding versions of "Piece of My Heart" and
"Somebody to Love." Janis and Grace would be proud.
Jeska's just as soulful when she's on stage with the various bands with whom she works: the blues-based
Guy Forsyth Band, the swinging Hot Nut Riveters, the country-oriented Honeysuckle Rage Riders, and
her own all-encompassing Jeska and the Vanity Project.
It's with husband Guy Forsyth that she released the stunning Conspirators album in 2019. Jeska's sings
sweetly throughout the record with Guy, demonstrating that she can handle introspective quiet songs just
as well as those big rock songs from Woodstock. Together, Jeska and Guy have created a whole new
chapter in Guy's legendary blues Texas music career, one that works organically as a like-minded duo in
love and in music.
Jeska stays busy with those bands and her work with Guy and their family life raising two daughters, but
she has something to say musically on her own, so she has moved into songwriting, fronting her own
band, and working on a solo album with new songs of her own.
Living a musical life comes naturally to her, as she grew up singing in San Angelo, Texas, first in
elementary school theatre, then in high school choir while also studying opera. After high school, she a
band called joined Funky Munky in 2006 followed by River City Blues in 2010. She got her widest
audience in 2012 when she sang the national anthem for NASCAR at Texas Motor Speedway, which was
nationally televised on ESPN. She also performed on stage in San Angelo musical productions like
Cabaret and The Producers and once even appeared on the American Idol television show.
Now she's entrenched in her adopted home of Austin, the musical city in which she belongs and where
she's found her category-defying sound. And isn't defying musical categories what Austin has always
been about?
Jeska is also community-oriented, and she likes to make things happen. She is currently leading the
sisterhood division of Austin Texas Musician seeking equality and equity for female and female
identifying Musicians in The Austin and Greater Austin area.