HQ Fundraiser - Water Main Break Threatens To Destroy HQ!

at HQ

September 17, 2023 10:00 am - 11:45 pm
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Time: 10:00am     Day: Sunday     Ages: All Ages     Price: $10 - $1000
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HQ Fundraiser  - Water Main Break Threatens To Destroy HQ! 


On Tuesday August 15th around 5:30pm the water main underneath S Broadway and directly in front of HQ broke and shot high pressure water directly at our basement brick wall.  The pressure built up caused our basement wall to bow and eventually break open, pushing a ton of dirt, mud, and water into the basement. 

Our entire 3200 sq ft basement, with 10-12 ft high ceilings, was completely filled with water.   Denver Water barely got water turned off to the block in time to prevent water from reaching our main floor.

100% of everything that was located in our basement is destroyed.  The wall is compromised and will need to be repaired for the safety of the building.  HQ is closed until further notice while clean up, and then repairs, take place and HQ Underground, our basement venue that held drag and burlesque performances multiple times a week, is completely destroyed with no hope of reopening until sometime next year. 


The Sad Truth About Insurance:  HQ has business insurance, and our landlords have insurance.  However, all Colorado insurance policies have what is called a "Water exception" that removes them from liability if "water from outside of the building" is the cause of the damage.  Since the water main was located on city property underneath the street, we expect zero insurance coverage.  

Will the City cover damages?  Not voluntarily.  This will likely end in a lawsuit that will take a few years to resolve, while we must front all of the expense, including legal fee's, ourselves.  

How bad is it?  Our absolute BEST case scenario is being closed for 4-6 weeks while clean up and temporary repairs are made to the wall to allow us to reopen TEMPORARILY.   Then permits, plans, etc will be made for a full rebuild of the wall that was damaged, and once that is all ready later this fall/winter, we will be forced to be closed for another 6-8 weeks, at least, while those repairs are made.  On top of that HQ Underground, our basement venue, will be closed until all repairs are final and it can be redecorated and all the equipment required is re-purchased and installed....which means sometime next year.  

The likely worst case scenario we face?  Not being allowed to re-open until the damaged wall is completely rebuilt, which would mean being closed for 3-4 months at least.  


What we are asking for:  Help.  To be blunt, money.  It is impossible to calculate what the cost of repairs and replacing that which has been destroyed will be.  On top of that we are closed now, for the foreseeable future, and quite possibly for months and months.  

We are offering the option for donations in increments of $10, $25, $100, and $1000.  Each denomination can be purchased up to 10 times, just like a concert ticket.  While these are not tickets to a specific future event, what you are buying is a ticket to help keep HQ alive so that YEARS worth of future events can still happen.  

What will we use the money for?  To help keep the business alive.  There are ongoing Operational and Staffing expenses even as we remain closed.  With your help HQ will 100% survive this, and come back better and stronger than ever once it is done.  There are bills to pay, untold expenses to cover, and a ton of effort that will be required to get through this.  While most of our staff are already seeking other opportunities and/or applying for unemployment, there are some staff that we have to keep on and keep paying.  Depending on the amount raised we hope to help out some of our part time staff in the short term as well.  

Thank you for your donation, 


Scott & Peter

