Judy Chicago, Donald Woodman, and their long-time collaborators, Pyro Spectaculars, will present "Diamonds in the Sky," a new, site-specific Smoke Sculpture™ at Through the Flower Art Space located at 107 Becker Ave, Belen, NM on Saturday, July 17th at dusk. In addition to this performance, from 12 – 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday, multiple businesses along Becker Avenue in Belen, NM will host art exhibitions, gallery tours, wine tastings, and other special events as part of a celebration and revitalization of the Belen Arts District as it begins to re-open with the relaxation of COVID restrictions. Tickets to see the Smoke Sculpture™ are mandatory.
Participating businesses alongside Through the Flower Art Space, which will be open for tours of the current exhibition, “Confined”, include: Jaramillo Vineyards, the GRID gallery, the Belen Arts League, Books on Becker, Studio 508, Bug Lights, Old City Hall, Solis Custom Design, the Belen Public Library, and Harvey House. Food truck vendors, including Better Ate Than Never, AC2, and more will be stationed along Becker Avenue. Saturday events will culminate with a new Smoke Sculpture™ by Judy Chicago titled “Diamonds in the Sky”, taking place at dusk. Chicago’s intention with “Diamonds in the Sky” is to bring beauty and joy after a long year of challenges due to COVID. We hope you will join us for this exciting event in the historic arts district of Belen!